Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oh, the weather outside was frightful

October 29th brought the season's first snow. I can't say that I minded terribly, though it was strange to see snow on pretty yellow leaves. While K and I were inside making goodies for a Halloween party, the animals of the neighborhood were out having a good time. The horses continued to graze.

The dogs romped around the yard.

And these little guys ran back and forth for most of the afternoon. Seems the first snow even brings out the kid in them :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Jack Frost

Today, in our little corner of the world, we woke up to the season's first frost.

The last of my snap peas aren't happy. Goodnight, garden. See you next year.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Chesnok red garlic

According to my great grandfather, garlic should be planted right after the first full moon in October. According to "The Garlic Guy" in our town, sometime within the 1st two weeks of October is good. I missed both deadlines, but figured late garlic is better than no garlic.

Let's hope my onlookers don't get a hankering for garlic bulbs!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

All the leaves are brown...

...and the sky is gray. And, K isn't working today. Which makes it a perfect day for a cup of pumpkin coffee, a haircut for K at the good old fashioned barber shop (complete with good old fashioned barber's pole!), and of course,

playtime in the backyard for Bee and Lily with their new frisbee! I'm also working on our lunch, cheese frenchees (post coming shortly). This is a new stomping ground for me, but apparently a delicious sandwich from an old restaurant called King's Food Host. I've never deep fried a cheese sandwich, but here goes nothing. Everyone needs a little greasy goodness from time to time :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pantry supper with a little help from the garden

This time of year, going to the garden isn't as joyous as it was just one month ago. But, it still has some tricks up its sleeve and so do I! After a long day of travel back from the south, K and I were not about to go to the grocery store. I needed to come up with something that 1) I had ingredients for, 2) was filling, 3)  was easy and 4) could be eaten all day. My journey started in our  now meager garden. Leeks, scallions, chives. Perfect!

Red potatoes from my favorite local deli. I think they somehow inject these with extra sweetness. I have never had a potato better.

Chicken breasts. Enough for stock AND chicken salad for lunch during the week.

Chorizo. Yum!

Sourdough bread. Don't get too excited. It's not technically "homemade." That's K's job. I had help from King Aurthur Flour Company's bread mix.

The final product? The most delicious soup and warm bread! Onion-y, spicy, warm and tasty. I left the pot on the stove and we munched on it all day. And, finished both loaves of bread by the time we went to bed that night! 

Friday, September 16, 2011

The dog days are o-O-ver

I've been pretty horrendous at keeping up with writing a blog. Not because I don't have the time. Not because I don't like to write. Not because I don't have anything TO write. In fact, I have a lot I'd like to share, which was my problem. Naming this blog "Dog Eat Sock" has been playing tricks on my brain. I thought, "Well, I certainly can't share recipes or gardening successes, er, failures or all the other wonderful things I get to do as a 29 year old house wife." By the way..I have the best job on the planet. After telling K my desire to write about more than just the dogs he said, "You can write it on Dog Eat Sock!" Ok. He wasn't that upbeat about it, not because he doesn't care, but because, well, dudes aren't really that upbeat. Anyway, the high temperature today was 62. And I loved every second. So did Bee and Lily.

While they are outside laying in the cool grass I've been inside working on our favorite fall meal, beef and burgundy. It's not my recipe, but I wouldn't dare try to play with it's prefect blend of browned bits, wine and caramelized mushrooms. Chances are, if you have ever been invited to our house during the colder months, this is what we served. At one point, I was afraid people would stop visiting because they were sick of eating it. I know one thing for sure, there's not a person in this house that could ever refuse this delicious, fall perfect, meal.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fly little birdie

Bee strikes again. While chatting with my neighbor Bee pulled a bird's nest out of a tree, spilled the very new hatchlings all over the ground, and began to toss one of them about like it was a new toy. Sadly, I was not stunned. As quickly as I could, I pushed her inside and ran to get a shovel. I had already lost one and I was determined to save the other three. I returned them all to the nest and after a few minutes of searching found the exact spot the nest had been. I'm hopeful Mama bird will come back and continue feeding her babies so they could fly far, far far away from here....mostly so I don't find one dead on my door step.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Invisible fence=freedom. Oh, wait. I mean calamity.

Last July, we installed an invisible fence so we could open the front door and let the girls run until their heart's content. They caught on quickly and spent the rest of the summer as happy doggie campers. It worked out well for our sanity, too. If they got rowdy in the house or spent hours barking at a bunny or bird we no longer had to put up with their nonsense. Out they went to play and chase all the bunnies in the world for hours upon end! Winter was even better. We never had to step foot out in the cold to let them do their business. Yes. Things were going very smoothly indeed. Then a fresh summer came along. I am now cursing at that same fence that once restored my sanity. Here's why: 1) Over the past 2 1/2 summers in our house, I have spent hours and hours planting our landscape and getting everything just right. I REFUSE to hire someone. Cone flowers here, tiger lilies here, black-eyed Susans over there...ta-da! Oh, wait....never mind. The dogs dug everything up and ate it. The ones they didn't eat I am still finding strewn about the grass in clumps. 2) How many times do you give your dogs a bath a year? A YEAR?? Not in this house. It's more like 2 or 3 a day. Why? Because we live in the "wilderness." Wild animals, lots of them, come in and crap all over our yard. Bee and Lily think it's fun to play in this crap. On most days they smell like they were playing in a rotting deer carcass, which, by the way, I am certain they would do. Lily, who often gets so excited to find new poo, somehow gets it in her ears. She knows exactly what happens when she does this. How do I know she's aware of the impending bath time? Because she comes inside, hides in the corner, and pees all over. Every time. 3) We have retriever dogs, so naturally, they like to chase things. That part is fine. It's the retrieving part that I'm disgusted by. When Bee was a puppy, she proudly brought me a bird.....with no head. Today, while enjoying a lovely afternoon on the front step with my book, I looked up just in time to see Lily frantically chasing something. Next thing you know, out comes Bee with a chipmunk hanging out of her mouth. Ugh. Now what? I had a hunch she would run away and eat it so I quickly got up and asked her to drop it. She did and to my surprise, it was still as alive as could be...minus a leg or two. First, I called the neighbor that would come over and save it...not home. Next, I called the neighbor that would come over and "take care of it." Instead he told me to smash it with a shovel. Hmm....nope. I left it for K and by the time he got home, it was gone. Who knows what happened to it. Maybe a hawk? Maybe it wriggled away back to it's hole to warn the others of the mean black and white beasts on the surface? Either way, it was gone and K was mad that I didn't smash it. He apologized to Bee for letting her catch get away thanks to Mommy. What will I do if it happens again? Same as usual. Scream obscenities at the top of my lungs, then call all the neighbors to bail me out...unless K is around. Then he can smash away. Gross.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can we get this one too?

About two years ago, K and I decided to get a puppy. We put our deposit down, and waited for the news that our "baby" arrived. In the meantime, I happened to come across another sweet little black lab; the only one left in her litter. We, or maybe I, had to have her, but we couldn't give up our original pick. I imagine the conversation in my head went something like this, "2 lab puppies? No problem. K has had dogs his entire life. Hmm..but I haven't. I don't even know what to feed a dog. I better get some books." I have learned a lot about dogs in the past two years, none of which came from the 3 books I ran out and bought. In fact, I am certain that whoever wrote those books didn't have dogs. They only imagined what a perfect dog should be like. So, here is the story of my life with what I believe to be the most insane dogs around, Bee and Lily. I'll do my best to remember past stories, and you will soon find out why in this house, it's a dog eat sock kind of world :) Tiresome, gruesome, eye opening, but mostly comical. They make me laugh every day. I hope they make you laugh, too!