Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Most Mom's announce their pregnancy to the world somewhere around 3 months along. Which gives their crafty friends and family an incredible 6 months to make something magnificent. I have never gotten a newborn baby gift to a newborn baby on time ever. I repeat..never. My hairdresser is no different. Six months ago, I knew she was having a baby. A few month after that, I knew it was a girl. She is giving birth soon and my last hair appointment with her is tomorrow. And, again, I have nothing. Gulp.
High five to me for destroying my 0 for (many) record with this sweet little owl stuffie. Isn't she just the sweetest?! I made her in an afternoon and didn't have to buy a single thing. It was a great way to use up some scraps and a perfect little something to display in a nursery or let a newborn snuggle up with. Or perched in a pine tree, where I hear owls like it best. Go ahead, click on the link, and get going on the many baby gifts you have been wanting to stitch up!